This was my last photo. I had my boots off, was sitting in the door of my truck, it was hot and muggy, and I didn't feel like chasing down photos. There's Khanalee's butt on the right. I had saddled up waiting for the exhibition barrels. Khanalee did fine with that.
We would canter around one, do a simple change of lead through the trot for the next barrel, then canter the last barrel. Khanalee liked doing a fast canter towards the in gate. I had one little girl ask me if I was going to "run the barrels." I replied no, I would just canter them. I'm hoping that next time I can have Max there to take pictures. I thought about asking someone else to take photos, but once again, it was so hot and muggy, it was too much effort. However, I had a great time. My little Ay-rab horse came through. I bought some baby carrots on the way home and gave him half a bag. Thank you, Khanalee! Good horse!
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