Wednesday, August 08, 2007

This picture is blurry because I wasn't able to prepare to take it. I had to do it in a hurry as they were moving away. The two cowpunks are riding double, and they are on patrol. They are looking for a fellow cowpunk on horse back. The two cowpunks are armed and dangerous with green pecans that they have pulled off of the pecan tree. whilst on the back of their horse. They are looking for their fellow cowpunk so they can bombard him with green pecans. Little boys will make a weapon out of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Soon all the cowpunks came trotting by. While the back one launched green pecans, the other steered the horse. The third cowpunk was at a disadvantage because he had to flee, launch, and steer at the same time. I wanted desperately to get a photo of all that, but the action was too quick and they got out of my range. My friend, Bailey, was watching with me, and she commented in a disgusted way as only an 11 year old girl can in response to boys, that this type of behavior went on all the time. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole show.


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