Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007

Following are some photos of Tinky Winky, aka "Small," our chihuahua. I have other pictures of her on this blog. I felt it was time to upload some more for those who need their 'huahui fix. As of now, June 2007, Tinky is 9 years old, the same age as my grand daughter. Some of these pictures were taken a while back by my son. Some are more recent and taken by me. This one is how Tinky greets me when I come in from being outside. She looks small and forlorn and wants to be picked up and comforted. "Hi, Small!" I say in that high pitched voice I get to use all day. She loves to be loved on, loves to be wadded up in a blanket. What more could a middle aged woman without kids at home ask for?
"Wait for me, mama," although her ears are actually pointed back toward Jordon, the photographer. She's very conscious as to where large objects are. This bush is about as far as she will go. Then she gets that pathetic "please pick me up" look. I was going to feed the horses, but she won't follow me down there. My daughter's chihuahua, Mishka, would follow me down there, but one of my horses would chase her back. Tinky has no use for horses. I think Mishka saw them as possible prey, despite the fact that she only weighed about 3.5 lbs. Tinky weighs a hefty 4 lbs.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The day my son Jordon came home for the summer in 2006, a strong storm had passed to the east of us. As soon as Jordon came home, we noticed the backside. Jordon knows how I feel about backsides. I thought to myself, I am going to ignore this because Jordon is just home, but the next thing I knew, I ran inside and got my camera. Of course Jordon did also. I ended up taking pictures of Jordon and the storm, because I can never resist taking pictures of Jordon taking pictures.