Sunday, July 15, 2007

A big fat daddy

I found this guy literally on my door step when I went to feed the horses. My first thought was, "What a magnificent specimen." My second thought was, "Do I have the nerve to pick him up?" My third thought was "E-e-ew!" However, my scientific curiousity won out, and I ran and got my camera. When I first touched him with the door when I was trying to gently close it, he rolled over, and I was horrified that I had killed him. I soon realized he was playing dead, so I picked him up and took some pictures. These are all macros, and my son knows I'm not good at macros because I get too close, so the first is a little blury, but I wanted to show it's face or lack there of. Also, the whole time I was holding him in my fingers, he was squirming. E-e-ew


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