Thursday, September 09, 2004
When our son, Jordon, came back from his trip to Alaska, he brought Miriam, our grand daughter, with him. Her other grand mother, Londa, came to meet her too. The next day, she and her grammy were going to Florida to visit Miriam's Dada. We all had lunch together, and then Miriam went off with her grammy. Druing her stay in Fla., Miriam got to experience hurricane Frances.
Max brought home some wild mustang grapes. We haven't made grape jelly in a long time. Wild fruit can be unpredictable as to its availability. Here is the juice being strained out of the cooked fruit. My husband used a couple of old bandanas. Oh, yes, Max is the jelly maker. I make preserves and canned goods, but he's the jelly maker. I'm just his assitant.
During the middle of the night once, I came out to take our little dog, Tinky, to go potty, and Gyp, my border collie/blue heeler cross, let me know we had a visitor, an Aramdillo, aka, "Junior." He was stuck with his nose to one of the dog houses, so I pulled the dog house out, hoping he would go behind it and find his way out. As you can see, the next morning, Junior hadn't gotten the message. Have you ever had to mess with an armadillo? They have poor eyesight, act not very smart, and grunt and jump like a pig. I don't know why, but I've always called them Junior.