Friday, August 20, 2004
Sunday, August 15, 2004
Thursday, August 12, 2004
A lovely Arabian head. My Little Orange Horse, Maguire, is looking back at me to make sure I am coming. We are headed down to the corral where there is a nice stand of coastal bermuda grass. The grass in this pasture is mostly Kline grass, an imported African grass and a big mistake. It grows tall and gets rank, and even cows don't like it when it gets rank. Tall grass attracts rats and bunnies, and the rats and bunnies attract rattlers. My husband hasn't had a chance to mow. I don't like Kline grass.

Quote of the day: "Our relationship with other loving adults increases the elaboration of a bonding hormone known as oxytocin. This hormone is present in every cell of the body and can enhance the brain sensors that are connected with the heart and with the stomach. So your organs work better when you are in a healthy realtionship."--Dr. Christianne Northrup. In this case, it is a loving relationship with a chihuahua, and this one named Tinky Winky. As you look at this picture, can you feel the oxytocin rushing to your brain? So, have you had your oxytocin fix today? Have you kissed your chihuahua?

Wednesday, August 11, 2004
This is my dear friend, Misty, an awesome young woman I have gotten to know. Misty is atop a new horse she has aquired, a mare named Blanchette. Blanchette is part paint and part Spanish Mustang. She has adjusted to life in the Texas sun, which ain't easy after coming from Louisiana. Mistyand I have taken from the same dressage trainer, and so I have taken some lessons from Misty. She has helped me a lot. We have also gone on trail rides after my lessons. Maguire thought there were wooly-buggers out there, but he kept his eys on Storms butt, and we did ok. Storm is Misty's other mare and is in the next picture.

Isn't this a lovely picture of horse and rider? This is Misty on her wonderful mare, Storm. Storm was named that because she was born during a storm. She is a large line-backed dun who spent the first part of her life as a ranch horse chasing cattle and goats through brush. Now she is learning dressage. Storm has her off days, but like so many mares, she has a lot of heart. Storm will leap tall buildings at a single bound, if you ask her. I love boldness in a horse. Storm is a mare with temperment. I like mares. I respect mares. "sigh...Ho-o-orses," as Elizabeth Taylor said in National Velvet. Hey, I need to add that to some of my favorte movies.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004
This is my youngest son, Jordon. He is almost 21 and a might man of valor. He and his brother, Joel, and their friend, Kurt, took a camping trip in the southwest. Somehow, Jordon and Joel survived this first outing together. This photo is taken from a file of their pics that I have on my computer. Joel took it.